Birdie Favorites for Winter 2020

Winter 2020 Cold Weather Favorites

Cold Weather Favorites~

Take Additional Savings on Heated Bird Baths and Big Seed Treats to keep feathered friends fat & happy during frigid weather. A proven and magical cure for cabin fever, backyard birds brighten dreary days!

Beat Winter Blues with More Birdie Views!
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During cold weather, high fat foods are most beneficial (for the birds anyway!) Sunflower chips, peanuts and suet are top picks.

Mix your own Bluebird Delight with this easy recipe. Others will definitely partake and it's easy to offer this mix on platforms or in dish feeders. Form into suet balls or traditional suet cakes and pop them into the fridge. Mix a big batch... the crumbly mixture goes a long way!

Fresh water is essential year-round. Be it a new birdbath, old bird bath, plant saucer... whatever! Add a heater and keep it clean & shallow for bird's safety. Optimal depth is just 2 to 3 inches maximum. A few river rocks or large stones in the bath serves birds well for easier footing and perching.

Speaking of Suet and Peanuts...
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Best Bird Feeders for Winter 2020Variety attracts more birds... some feeders accommodate both!

Fun Wreath Feeders for whole or shelled peanuts play well with suet balls tucked among peanuts.

Find recycled plastic suet plug feeders and multi-use feeders to further entice feathered friends to your place!


Butterflies and hummingbirds are big hits! Easily offer nectar and fruit in summer, while providing a cozy and cool haven for butterflies to sun.

Artistic glass hummingbird feeders are always in style too! Handmade in Mexico from recycled glass, the Mini-Blossom Heart is perfect for Valentines. Top feeders mean no-drip and large heart frame offers perching space for territorial sprites!

Valentines 2020 Birding Gifts

Farmhouse, rustic and vintage styles continue to be popular... Don't forget the baffle should your squirrels be relentless!

And When the Snow Finally Thaws 
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Daylight hours are getting longer with a countdown to spring. Watch for crocus and daffodil blooms to signal better weather ahead. Then say a little prayer and keep fingers crossed it doesn't snow again!

Digging in the garden is just good for the soul. Relieving stress and chaos, it's an ideal way to improve your wildlife habitat and provide naturally for all winged wonders.

Food, Water and Shelter... think native plants when planning spring gardens. Pollinators like bees, butterflies and bats will thank you. The payoff is heartier plants with less work in the long run. Quickly see which plants are native to your area by entering a zip code on Audubon's Native Plant Database.

Unique Garden Decor for 2020

Don't forget landscape spruce-up... it could use some love too! Whimsical mobiles and bells, happy Buddhas and bubbling fountains... find handmade garden wares to to suit your space!


Come on Spring!