When Birds are Family

Captain Ralph's Menagerie

Captain Ralph and the kids!

When Captain Ralph Olivett of Palm Coast Fishing Charters placed his first order for bulk quantity live mealworms, we figured their fate would be fishing bait! Prior to his next shipment we just had to ask, and found our conclusion couldn't have been further from reality.

See, Captain Ralph has had some resident bluebirds for the last six years, and they're so comfortable around him-he's got them eating from his hand... literally! Baby Blue (shown first photo) was one of five fledgelings from the first brood of season 2012.

Meet some other feathered friends of Captain Ralph, including Carrie Girl, a four ft. Great Heron! They all share his home, food and outdoor space, living in total harmony with one another.

From left to right: Baby Blue, Snow White, Little Grey

Carrie Girl gets some morning fruit in the kitchen, then just chilling on the sofa!

Captain's only rule: Everyone has to get along!

If you're ever down near Palm Coast, Florida, look up Captain Ralph for a great fishing charter... and gratis birding tour extraordinaire.

Thanks so much for sending us these fun photos and sharing your story!

Captain Ralph writes: "A correction with Snow White... This is Snow White (below)... she's waiting at the slider doors for me to finish my morning coffee and throw the cast net for live mullet, it's a daily morning ritual.  This year I have a new comer at the dock... Ozzie the Osprey (circled in last photo). She's new and still a bit skittish, but spends every single night perched & sleeping on a 22 foot pole I erected just for her. That perch happens to be a $450 carbon fiber, boat push pole... she's got great taste!"

The real Snow White, PeaNut the squirrel who was bottle-fed from 5 days old, and Ozzie.

Pretty cool in the morning to walk to the porch area and see ALL of them hanging out together; Carrie, Snow White, Little Gray, and now Ozzie... LMAO, you should hear her SCREECH at sun-up every morning!!! 

BTW, Ozzie got her name from her SCREEEECHING each morning... now waking to a little Ozzie Osbourne music daily."