Pollinator Gardens in More Schools... Please! Get a Free Bat House on Us

Monarch Butterfly Close-upBecause we saw our first and ONLY monarch of the season yesterday...

We're Donating a Bat House to the first school who replies (and follows through)!

Fall's an ideal time for planning a garden, planting trees, shrubs and perennials for spring. The kids are settled & back in school so, what better class project than to create a garden spot and beautiful habitat for pollinators?

Food, water and shelter are the simple components to entice winged ones... no birds feeders necessary!
Bumble Bee Macro ShotFrom kindergarten to grade 12, curriculum may easily be modified to stress the critical need for bees, butterflies, bats & birds in the ecosystem and their bearing on farming and food crops. Alarming numbers and a recent crash in the honey bee population are a wake-up call if ever there was one.

National Wildlife Federation's popular Certified Wildlife Habitat program will recognize your school's efforts. We're happy to share any tips and resources for attracting bats, butterflies, and birds to the garden as well.

Bee a part of this growing national effort and get outside to plant!
"NWF celebrates the efforts of Sasha Hansen and the students of Plank South to create a garden space that improves habitat for birds, butterflies, frogs and other wildlife by providing essential elements needed by all wildlife – natural food sources, clean water, cover and places to raise young. Certification also makes the Plank South Certified Wildlife Habitat part of the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge, a national effort to restore critical habitat for pollinators"
We are so excited to have another passionate wildlife gardener join us and create a certified wildlife habitat. Over the last 40 years, nearly 200,000 wildlife gardeners have joined NWF’s Garden for Wildlife movement and helped restore wildlife habitat right in their own neighborhoods,” said David Mizejewski, a naturalist with the NWF.
NWF’s Garden for Wildlife program encourages responsible gardening that helps pollinators and other wildlife thrive. It encourages planting with native species like milkweed and discourages chemical pesticide use. With nearly 200,000 locations and growing, NWF’s Certified Wildlife Habitats and Community Wildlife Habitats recognize individuals, schools, groups and whole communities committed to providing habitat for wildlife, including pollinators." For information: nwf.org/habitat, 800-822-9919.

Bat Houses
Let us know your school and location
Send a photo of the area/garden to be
Keep us posted on your plan/progress with a few images
We'll send a Bat House for your new pollinator garden!
*Contiguous US Only, Grades K-12