Cool Bird Bath Accessories

Holiday Gift Idea 8: Bird Bath Accessories for Moving Water

So they already have a bird bath? Accessories like solar fountains and leaf misters absolutely rock! Fresh water attracts more birds (even those who don't use birdhouses), and moving water is like a magnet. Water stays fresher and mosquitoes can't lay eggs.

For an awesome holiday birding gift, birdbath accessories turn a boring bath into a birdie spa!

Leaf Mister for Birds
Leaf Mister for Birds and Butterflies

Splar Bubbler Bird Bath
Solar Bubbler Birdbath

Bamboo Fountain Kit
Bamboo Fountain Kit
Adjustable to fit most vessels

Ideal Birdbath Accessories and Fountains
Bath Heaters- Birds use them in frigid weather
Fountains- Because moving water soothes the soul

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