artisan's unique birdhouse boutique


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Unique Birdhouses

Always a fun and long lasting gift, unique birdhouses are perfect for all nature enthusiasts - any time of year, and a gift approved by Mother Nature is one you can be sure is appreciated!

With a hand picked selection, you'll find unique birdhouses that are totally functional, with proper ventilation, drainage and clean-outs. That's important stuff for birds! Our fine bird houses are guaranteed to please beaked buddies and while enhancing habitat.

Protection from inclement weather and predators are just two reasons for offering birds shelter. Aside from the spring nesting season, birdhouses provide roosting spots during the remainder of the year, and especially on cold winter nights. Some birds may even line their roosts with nesting materials.

With the vast destruction of habitat, there's a serious shortage of natural nest cavities for native songbirds. It's a critical time for humans to embrace nature, because wild birds reveal a secret into the general health of our ecosystem. By offering birdhouses and mature trees and shrubs for nesting, you'll help create a welcoming habitat, and begin a process of enticing birds by providing a critical refuge.

Simply watching flurries of bird activity and their behavior can be both captivating and quite addictive. Backyard birding has taken on new heights, simply because of the relaxation it affords - it's nature's natural stress relief! Installing bird houses in the landscape is a great place to start, and we'll help make it fun with unique designs that are sure to host many broods over the years... so please do house the birds!
